After 16 weeks of great off-season training which resulted in satisfying gains in power on the bike, and drops in times on the run, I'm in "transition." Transition is a period of time that we all need to regroup and recharge after a concentrated block of training before gearing up for the next goal. For me, this transition phase should last about 3-4 weeks. I'm in week three.
Trouble is, I have trouble with transition--mentally and physically. With each week that goes by I feel like doing less and less, and feel more and more unmotivated. When I do get in a short workout, I feel sluggish, heavy, and slow. What happened to the sprightly, strong me that showed up every day for 16 weeks?
With the sluggish, slow feeling starts to come the worry that "I've lost it all." Even with (kinda) following the EN coaching plan for this phase, I wonder if am I doing too little or too much? Will the motivation and good feelings ever come back? I know that's terribly silly, and that the best thing I can do for my body and my mind is to take this down time. I have a long way to go until November 1. Still...
As dedicated athletes, I know we have trouble dropping back and chilling out. (There's more than a little type-A in most of us.) My training buddy Gina who is in the same training cycle, talked me down yesterday with the description of her own current slug-fest. The conversation got me wondering....What do you do during your training down times? Are they easy for you? Do you struggle with it too? Any tips on learning to actually enjoy these phases and letting go for a while?
I'll begin gearing up for half Ironman training on March 1. Part of me also realizes I'll be pining for these days when the training gets rough. Damned if you do...