Half Ironman training is now in week 5, which means it's in full swing. Last week was a step down (rest) week, so I'll be back at it in full force for the next three. So far the week looks like this. April 1-6:
About 2,500 meters with lots of drills
Functional Threshold Test. I was undecided about doing this test, and was going to opt for a workout instead. But I felt pretty good starting out so I decided it was the right day to do it. As my coaches instruct, I do 2 x 20' with 2' rest, then throw the data in Cycling Peaks and see what I did.
I was nicely above threshold for 30'. I was going to try to do the whole 40' in one TT. Nyet. Couldn't hold it. I always have trouble in the second set getting up to my threshold watts, and this time was no different. I eventually get up there, but it just kills my numbers. I was hoping for a 5-6 watt increase. I stayed the same.
30' brick run right after. I always feel pretty good running off the bike.
Long Run
In my plan, we usually run long on Thursdays, but work sometimes makes me move it around. I ran 90' with 30' EZ and 60' at marathon pace. It was really windy and cold, but it went OK.
This is a big swim day--about 3,400. It was hard after the long run, so I cut it back to about 2,700. That's where I'm at yardage wise anyway. This workout called for 40 x 50!!! I did 20. And some of them were drills with fins.
5 horrible miles. I felt pretty awful on this run, and only got through 2 out of 3 6-minute pickups at threshold pace. Felt trashed, and I had to run at 6 a.m., which did not help matters.
Friday is 1000m TT day. It went well, and I took 3" off of last weeks time. Total swim about 2,700.
Saturday and Sunday
Back to back bike days coming up. 2:30 on Saturday with time at 85-90% of threshold and some intervals at threshold thrown in for good measure.
Sunday the ride is only 2:00, with a version of the same work above. Unfortunately the weather looks at though I'm going to be stuck again on the trainer in the bike dungeon, I mean basement.
It feels great to be pointing to the July 5 half Ironman race.