Lest you think it's only serious, nose-to-the-grindstone training over at Endurance Nation, here's what we did this past weekend!
A virtual marathon challenge was fired up in honor of our compatriots racing Ironman Arizona. Teams of four athletes each ran 6.55 miles. The rules determining the winner were "loose" to say the least. Sure we had best time, but we also had most vertical, best pix, best running gear--you name it. If you could think up a category, you could probably win it. But the best was from team "26.2...below" from Minnesota.
From the Run Report--TEAM 26.2...Below
The gang (_noodle_, Blazer86, jlbwalleye, and Jesse Spates) assembled at 8:00 a.m. for the big race. The weather gods sent us a mixed blessing this morning. The temp was 23, so a good 10 degrees above where it was Friday morning. The downside was that there was ½ an inch of snow on the ground. As our times will indicate, the snow played a significant role in preventing us from achieving our goal of cracking 3 hours. Given the conditions, the team was dressed for the worst:
_noodle_ was wearing his kilt along with goggle to keep the swirling snow out of his eyes.
Jesse was wearing a full-blown, blaze-orange hunting getup just in case any deer hunters wandered out of the woods and mistook his loping stride for that of a whitetail.
Jlbwalleye was sporting his IM finisher t-shirt in case anyone wanted to question his bona fides.
Blazer86 was worried about drag from the wind whipping off the lake, so he came in his speed suit and fur hat...he got a fair number of funny looks, but claimed to be plenty warm once whe got going.
Huge thanks for our man _noodle_ (Josh) for another rib-cracking, hilarious video, and the rest of the guys for being good sports. There is nothing one can even say about Blazer's running attire!