Following up on the race secret thread from yesterday, here are a few hints for hot-weather racing. I can't believe how many triathletes say, "I hate the heat"..."running in the heat is death for me". And I know one such racer very well. Moi. :) New England often doesn't get warm consistently until June, and I run at dawn when it's cool. I'm always looking for ways to mitigate the effects of the high sun on my triathlon run. Here are what a few Endurance Nation friends had to share:
Ice Cuffs
EN Coach Patrick McCrann is shown here running in Kona. Those funky sweatbands on his arms are simply the tube part of tube
socks. He just folded some ice in there, and it was hands-free running
while staying cool.
Ice Sleeves
Another teammate uses uses Desoto arm coolers as "ice sleeves." He says, "AMAZING. I just grabbed two Gatorade cups per ice at each
station, shoved the ice in the top of each of the arm coolers, and this
would keep me very cool for 2+ aid stations." The funny guy that he is continues, "These won my 2008 Best Race Innovation award. This season, I'm trying
the Craft stuff that Tjorbjorn uses as a further attempt in my 'better
racing through clothing innovation' series."
Ice Hat and Shorts
Fill your hat with ice at aid stations, and throw a handful down your shorts. Top and bottom cooling. I've done this, and while I don't like the rivulets that melt down my face and legs, it does help keep you going.
Ice Bra
Sorry guys, can't help you here. But ladies, wearing that annoying article of clothing can help cool you down. Shove a handful of ice down the jog bra. Ahhhhhhhh! Trick is, moving it closer to the armpits makes it instant air conditioning! I've seen pro triathlete Barb Lindquist do this in race coverage on TV.
Sure, it's obvious, but shading your eyes and not staring at hot, reflected sunlight off the pavement can trick your brain into thinking it's actually cooler than it is.
Let's see what new tips come my way over the next few days!